NSF-Sponsored Post-Earthquake Geotechnical Reconnaissance Working Group Activity


03/16/04 Working Group Meeting:  10 am – 6 pm (with lunch: 12:30-1:30 pm)

UC Berkeley Faculty Club “E Room”


Meeting Agenda


  1. Introduction – Jon Bray


a. Review of primary objectives of the post-EQ geotechnical reconnaissance activity

b. Key action items:

-        Name of activity

-        Better incorporation of activity within USGS Cir. 1242

-        Opportunities and challenges

-        Agenda for first advisory panel/working group meeting

-        Plan for workshop to reach broader audience

-        Response to next major earthquake


  1. USGS Circular 1242 “The Plan to Coordinate Post-Earthquake Investigations” – Les Youd


    1. A summary of the plan
    2. Incorporation of our activity within “The Plan” and coordination with EERI-LFE, USGS, and other U.S. and international post-EQ reconnaissance organizations (contributions from R. Kayen of U.S.G.S. as well as L. Youd of EERI-LFE)
    3. Discussion


  1. Opportunities and Challenges (presentation of key issues by leaders and discussion by all)


    1. NSF cyberinfrastructure initiative and NEES collaborative research – J.-P. Bardet
    2. Earthquake reconnaissance tools: GIS integration GPS/video/picture – J.-P. Bardet
    3. Use of geologic data and techniques, and the role of the practitioner – Bill Lettis
    4. Satellite and other aerial imaging data for use in EQ reconnaissance – Ellen Rathje
    5. Development of quantitative data (lessons learned from past EQs) – R. Kayen
    6. Rapid dissemination of post-EQ reconnaissance data – R. Kayen
    7. Systematic collection and archiving of post-EQ data considering the EERI document “Collection and Management of Earthquake Data: Defining Issues for An Action Plan” – David Frost


  1. Some Japanese Post-EQ Reconnaissance Activities and Lessons Learned – Prof. Kaz Konagai


  1. Agenda for First Working Group and Advisory Panel Meeting


  1. Post-Earthquake Reconnaissance Workshop


  1. Preliminary Post-EQ Response Plan


    1. Threshold for Response
    2. Decision Process and Coordination
    3. Application for NSF SGER Funds
    4. Execution


  1. Other Issues (equipment required, funding sources, etc.)


  1. Schedule


    1. Next Working Group/Advisory Panel Meeting
    2. Workshop
    3. Other future activities