Extreme events engineering is an experience-driven field. Thus, it is critically important to systematically collect perishable post-disaster data that can be useful in advancing our understanding of extreme events (e.g., earthquake, tsunami, hurricane, landslide, or flood) when they happen. Detailed mapping and systematic surveys of damaged areas provide the core data of well-documented case histories that drive the development of many of the empirical procedures used in geoengineering practice.
The GEER Association is working to develop a systematic approach to conducting National Science Foundation (NSF) sponsored reconnaissance efforts of the geotechnical effects of extreme events. In doing so, the project is formalizing the manner in which extreme events reconnaissance efforts are organized by the GeoPrograms of NSF.
Objectives and Purposes of GEER
- Document geotechnical engineering and related effects of important earthquakes and other disasters to advance research and practice.
- Advance the capabilities of individuals performing post-event reconnaissance.
- Employ innovative technologies for post-event reconnaissance.
- Facilitate access to equipment required for sensing and data collection.
- Train individuals to perform effective post-event reconnaissance.
- Disseminate timely and accurate post-event web-based reports and data.
- Develop a coordinated response for geotechnical engineers, engineering geologists, and earth scientists, who have previously self-assembled, to form effective post-event reconnaissance teams.
- Promote the standardization of measurement and reporting in reconnaissance efforts.